Masafusa Onoue
Observational Astronomer at the Kavli IPMU
About Me
Welcome to Masafusa Onoue's website
I am a Kavli Astrophysics Fellow at Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) located in the Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo. My main research interests as an observational astronomer are the formation and early growth of supermassive black holes, which reside in the centers of galaxies. My research expertise is observations of high-redshift quasars based on ground-based and space-based telescopes. Since my PhD years at NAOJ, I have been involved in a wide-field survey of the Subaru telescope (HSC-SSP). Since 2022, I use James Webb Space Telescope to characterize the representative population of BHs and their host galaxies at z=6, as well as to discover new active BHs. I am also involved in next-generation large projects, especially Euclid, Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS), and 30m-class telescopes.
I was born and raised in Yokohama, Japan. I was awarded my B.S. degree from the University of Tokyo in March 2013 and my Ph.D. degree from the Graduate Studies of Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) in March 2018 under the supervision of Dr. N.Kashikawa (NAOJ/Univ. of Tokyo). I then joined MPIA in April 2018, mainly working in the research groups of Dr. Fabian Walter, Dr. Eduardo Banados, and Dr. Knud Jahnke. In December 2021 I moved to Peking University KIAA to start my joint fellowship between KIAA and Kavli IPMU. I moved to Kavli IPMU in Nov 2023.
Aside from astronomy, I like to go outside in my private times, especially in the winter season to enjoy skiing. My favorite snow mountains in Japan are Shigakogen (志賀高原) in Nagano, and Ishiuchi Maruyama (石打丸山) in Niigata. In Europe. I have been to St. Anton am Arlberg, Adelboden, and Kitzbuehel so far.
Masafusa Onoue (尾上 匡房)
Working Address:
Kavli IPMU
The University of Tokyo
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha
Kashiwa, Chiba
277-8583, Japan
Office: A07
E-mail: masafusa.onoue@ipmu.jp
Tel: +81-(0)4-713-66511
ORCiD: 0000-0003-2984-6803